Andrew est un lecteur avide. Aucune contribution pour 2024.
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Biographie de l'utilisateur

Started at InterSystems in July, 2023.  Previous experience with manufacturing (ABB, P&W, Phillips Manufacturing), telecommunications software development (Instant Information, Boston Technology and Comverse Technology), support, deployment and have worked in sales/solutions engineering for FAST Search and Transfer (acquired by Microsoft), Microsoft, Smartlogic, Delehealth.  

Professionally I enjoy learning new technologies, working with customers to help them solve their business and technical challenges.  

I am a native English and Spanish bilingual speaker since birth and I enjoy learning  and speaking new languages (currently CEFR B2 in French with a C1 goal), cycling, spending time with family, travelling, coaching youth sports.  

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Boston, MA
Membre depuis le Août 31, 2023
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Certifications et badges Credly:
Badges Global Masters:
Andrew n'a pas encore d'abonnés.