· Oct 7, 2022

VS Code Server Manager hits a milestone with version 3.2.1

Hurray for security!

If you're connecting to a local server and doing isolated development with a throwaway account, just store your password in plain text in the settings.json configuration file. But if you're working with a shared server using a "real" user account, it's a good idea to protect that information.

That's why this is a great day for security-conscious ObjectScript developers. Version 3 of Server Manager comes out of pre-release state with the first public release of version 3.2.1. This release is all about transitioning to VS Code's authentication provider API for storing encrypted passwords. This API is already being used by VS Code to authenticate against GitHub and Microsoft providers, so you can be sure it has been thoroughly battle tested. Leveraging the same authentication feature aligns us with our core developer tooling mission, which is to fit well into mainstream technology, and only diverge from that path when absolutely necessary. Congratulations and thanks to @John Murray for leading the development of this feature. Make sure you're running ObjectScript extension version 2.x

If you were using version 2.x of Server Manager, and you were storing passwords in your operating system's keychain (NOT in plain text in a VS Code configuration file), then you will need to follow these steps to migrate those encrypted passwords to the new authentication provider.


If you already have the ObjectScript extensions – ObjectScript, Server Manager and Language Server – installed, go to your Extensions pane and make sure they are up to date. “InterSystems ObjectScript” should be at v2.0.0, “InterSystems Server Manager” should be at v3.2.1, and “InterSystems Language Server” should be v2.1.2.

If for some reason you have yet to try out these extensions, install VS Code here. Then install the "InterSystems ObjectScript Extension Pack" from the VS Code Marketplace by clicking the green "Install" button.

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