· Dec 14, 2023

Join the Flexible Python Runtime Early Access Program

Embedded Python is about to get a whole lot more powerful, and we’re looking for a few volunteers to give it a try.

What’s the Flexible Python Runtime?

The Flexible Python Runtime option allows you to use a Python runtime of your choosing with Embedded Python. Previous to this, you could only use the operating system's default Python, which was limiting especially for customers using the latest and greatest AI & ML tools close to their data.

When InterSystems introduced Embedded Python in InterSystems IRIS in 2021.2, it was designed to work with just the version of Python that is pre-installed on your Operating System.  With this change, we're lifting that restriction!

About the program

This Early Access Program is focused on making sure that we've met developer needs in supporting the wide range of Python platforms on the market.  We plan to start introducing this feature in IRIS 2024.1 for Linux-based Operating Systems.  Support for Windows will be available later. 

Joining the Early Access Program

Interested?  Go to the Early Access Program page and sign up.  Once you’ve registered, you’ll have access to early kits and a bit of documentation.

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