· Jun 5, 2021 3m read

IRIS on FHIR Overview

Hi guys,

It's FHIR contest and this time, they provided something really cool: FHIRaaS

And to be part of this, @José Pereira and I team up (again) to deliver something easy to use and easy to understand how we did.

What did we do?

IRIS on FHIR it's a SMART app to show the potential of FHIRaaS using SMART JS Client Library

Description of the application

IRIS on FHIR it's our idea of how easy and simple we can work with FHIR, crafting a great UI to show the power behind FHIRaaS.

We hope that our project makes it easier for everyone to understand; we want to share knowledge and show that something good is not necessarily complicated.

And being easy to understand and use, we believe that our project can be used as a base/example for many others, unlocking more and more features.

How IRIS on FHIR looks like

Patient List

The page is a list of patients using the Resource Patient.

The data table recognizes the array provided for the Patient resource and shows a little information about the patient.

Patient List

Patient View

When clicking on the Patient's Given Name link, you'll be redirected to the Patient View page. A page with more information about that patient.

Patient View

On the top, we have the patient photo, patient FHIR ID, SSN, Date of Birth, gender, contact, address, city, Country.

The middle section provide two section cards:

  • Last Encounter
  • Last Observations:Laboratory

The component badge pills bring the total count for the respectives cards.

badge pill

For the card of Observations:Laboratory the badge pill open a new page bringing the lab results.

Lab Results

Chose one of the options in the Select box, clicking on the Search button, and you'll have the chart with the values for the selected lab test.

Lab Tests

Chose one of the options in the Select box, clicking on the Search button, and you'll have the chart with the values for the selected lab test.

Chart results


The appointments are shown on the calendar view, loading the information through the FHIR resource: Appointment.
Appointments Calendar

You also can create new appointments, update, and delete them.

Appointments CRUD


  • user: irisonfhir
  • password: irisonfhirA1@

If you liked the app and think we deserve your vote, please vote for iris-on-fhir!

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